I just can't believe that here we are half way done with December. I've been missing in action here because I had some oral surgery last week. I need to have three gum grafts, and I'm so happy that I had it all done at once as I would never have gone back if I had had them done one at a time. I basically have four holes in my mouth right now. I haven't been able to eat anything solid for this whole week, and I'm so missing out on all this holiday foods. Which maybe isn't too bad of a thing as I really don't need to gain any of that predicted holiday pounds. Haven't gone out much except to buy more soup or dog food, so I've had plenty of time down in the ArtCave experimenting with Hal (my Janome sewing machine) and all the beads I've accumulated. The dogs have been happy that I've been home. Arwen has made herself my nurse. The first night I was home, she slept outside my bedroom not letting Chris near. Then when I finally got up, she sat next to me licking my hand. She wanted to lick my jaw, but I had to say no there. She also has been sleeping with me at night, and I must say that I've been enjoying having a furry warm bed partner with these cold frosty mornings.

I've missed out on several things here in Columbus. Didn't make it to the Guilded Lily Christmas party nor did I make it to a retirement party for a coworker. One good thing with all this is that WOW our cable provider finally gave us HBOgo. I'm so thrilled as now I can watch all the HBO shows while I'm downstairs working on projects. What am I watching...True Blood. I watched the first year from NetFlix and was waiting to get the other seasons, but now with HBOgo, I don't have to wait at all. They are ALL there! So lap top is downstairs with me. Sorry TCM, but HBOgo has hooked me.

This Sunday I am going up to Akron for the Time for Dolls Christmas party. I'm sure I'll be ready to drive up there by then. Probably still won't be able to eat any of the delicious holiday party food, but I'll get to be with my fellow doll makers enjoying food, laughs, displaying our holiday challenge dolls and the exchange. This year we are exchanging pincushions. I had no idea how in the world to make pincushions, so I went to my file & pulled out some patterns I've bought over the years. So I came up with these two pincushions. Not sure which one I'll exchange. The Elvis one actually has the head off of the Inca Prince by Barbara Schonoeff as it was just sitting there wanting me to use it for something. I think it kinda looks like a post peanut butter and banana sandwich Elvis who just got out of bed. The other is from
Marcia Acker-Missel's pattern. I spent hours playing around embellishing it. Don't know if there is room for actual pins!

And just a reminder that you have two more days to enter the big Lark book give away. Over 30 books can be yours if you leave a comment at this
More later. I have been a sewing maniac.