I've been pretty quiet this past week. Work has been extremely wicked with the Emergency Room full every night, and you know that means those folks need lab work done which means...I'm on the feet all the time. I get home in morning and after feeding the three Scotties, I'm in bed. Yet even when I get up my feet are aching. I bought new shoes, and they are making the pain a little better, but I think I'm going to have to break down & visit my Podiatrist again & see about getting more steriod shots. Sound awful, but it does work.

Chris & I are going to be having a vendor table at AFIC. I'm taking classes there, but Chris is going to man the booth Friday night, and then all day Saturday and Sunday. I'm so excited that he'll be able to show off some of the great work he has been doing in the past two years. He wanted for us to do a collaboration to show off at AFIC, and I agreed it would be fun to work together again. He went rummaging through the basement where we keep boxes of things we've accumulated in our thrift store wanderings. He found an old lamp and a box of Christmas tree lights from back when we were kids (think we found them at a flea market). So out came the vacuum tubes and he began on a lighted Rocket. He challenged me to then make an Astronaut that could ride the Rocket. I sat down and drew up a new doll pattern and began to audition fabric. I didn't want to paint the doll body to make it look like a space suit and was so excited when down deep in a box I found this fun fabric I bought last Halloween. I also wanted my doll to look cute, so instead of the big noses I usually sew for my dolls, I went for a tiny little bump of a nose & it worked fabulous. Then, it went to Chris & he came up with this perfect item for the Rocket Man's helmet. It originally came from a child's toy we found at the thrift store. Chris cut an opening in the bottom, and the Astronaut's head fit perfect. Then it was back to me to finish up the space suit. I added two life support packs on the front and back with crystals to mock lights blinking off an on, and I made a collar so the helmet would sit properly on the shoulders. Then back to Chris. He posed and mounted the Rocket Man. Then he plugged in the lamp. The flames light up and it really looks like it is headed for deep space.

We had so much fun working on this project together. We are now doing another piece I hope to finish and enter into Doll Street Dreamer's Steampunk challenge at AFIC. I've been drawing a design & he's been cutting and getting the pieces together. I'm so lucky.