I want to share what I've been working on recently. I bought a vintage wool bag (1940s era) and decided to make a beaded overlay using a piece of jade I bought years ago. LOL! They jade is in the shape of a Scottie! I've been working with some of my favorite colors and I do love the combination. Now, I need to finish the other side, then do tons of surface embellishment before I can actually sew in on the bag. I want to get it all done before I head off to Kentucky in June for the Tambour Beading class. I'll be taking this with me tomorrow to the hospital. My sister needs to have her ankle worked on again. Last year she broke her ankle and had to have two pins put in it. After a year of physical therapy, she learned she needs to get the heel broke & reset. So, tomorrow I'll be the one sitting in the waiting room. Keep your fingers crossed for her that they don't keep her.
Ohhhh your poor sis. Hope she gets through this with out too much trouble. So nice that you can be with her.
The tree sounds nice but your bag is very nice!!!!!
The piece is beautiful. Beading the dolls is really cool, but I had almost forgotten how beautiful your beading really is when seen in the flat.
Congrats on the new tree. I'd hate it if we lost the sugar maple that is in front of our home.
i just love your beading. the colors are beautiful and the scottie is so cute. i hope a smooth trip to the hospital and a speedy recovery for your sister.
That scottie rocks! I like the palette...the whole thing...and the way you used the sequins around the offset square of green is my fave...
Congratulations on your new tree! xo Susan
I just love my birthday pressie!! you know how I love purses! we share that obsession you know! and it's so my colors! what a dear friend you are to make me such a specail pressie! I can't wait to get it!! you're the best!!
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