I've been so busy working on the Land of Odds contest "Earthen Mother". It is almost done. Wish I could share some pictures of this piece that I've been working off & on for the last 4 months, but the rules state that I cannot post picture anywhere. Bum! As I like to get feedback on these big pieces as sometimes I get so close to it that I lose perspective. Fantasy Swim was the last big enormous piece that I did like this. By the end of the 6 months when I'd have my actual nose touching the base sewing down those individual sea urchins, I was ready for it to be GONE! And it was gone for over 2 years. It now is on permanent loan to Byzantium where I teach. Yet, with this new piece which I'm calling Rachel's Dream to honor Rachel Carson, I really like it. Maybe it is as Chris says that I'm getting better at doll making & just like the doll better. I am & I do. But more about that later this year after I find out if they want it or not.
Besides doing Earthen Mother, I'm still into beading the beanies. They are a great relaxer for me & I can experiment with each of them practicing new techniques and color/bead combinations. For June's BJP, I decided to take a beanie baby that was flat on the ground & by using simple needle sculpting techniques to actually make the cat more life like. Now, I haven't had a cat in over 7 years, but I do remember them playing with their behind up in the air & the paws out front. I used some aqua crystal spacers for the eyes, but after looking at it close (probably too close), they didn't work like I had planned in my head. Better luck next time & out to look for new beads to get the exact pattern I'm looking for. Like I need more ideas to do some bead shopping. I don't know why I've named this cat Toby. Never had a cat named that. Only had three cats in my life despite the Doctor's screaming at me that my Asthma was due to cat allergies. So after our last cat, Casper, died, we decided no more cats. I'm healthier (yes, I didn't believe the Doctors at the time but they were right) but sometimes I do miss my kitty babies. Now we are an all dog family...well...all Scottie Dog family. So enjoy Toby. He makes me laugh & he has no problem sitting next to Gideon of the Big Fish Head. He's waiting for Gideon to make a mistake & then POUNCE!