Here are more pictures from AFIC's exhibit. Cyndy always has doll clubs from around the globe send in pieces for display at AFIC. These are from an online doll makers group called Doll Street Dreamers. I've been a member for about three years now and enjoy the sense of community there. This year, Judy Skeel announced the challenge would be steampunk inspired dolls. As you can see, there were all kinds of different ideas popping out of people's head. Please excuse some of the pictures as the lightening where our display sat was limited. So sit back and enjoy a few photos from Steampunk Challenge.

If you'd like to see more pictures from the AFIC conference of the first night called "Hats and Heels Banquet" then please check out Leslie Molen's wonderful blog. I got to sit at Leslie's table where she was our "CEO". We had a challenge to make a doll out of a Bendi that would eventually be given to Children's Services here in Columbus. We had a Buyer (Pam), a Runner (Linda), Seamstresses , and I was the Speaker (but I sure did do a whole lot of hand sewing on that doll). We made a bear named Bernard who originally was a Steiff bear purchased at FAO Schwartz in NYC....he had seen better days & met two friends at a thrift store...okay enough with the story. We had a blast & see more about it on Leslie's blog which I warn you is charming and full of so much talent.
Wow..great photos! Thanks for posting a photo of my "Steampunk Mary" she looked fantastic with her group of friends...wish I could have been there to see our Doll Street display in person...your photos made me feel as if I was!
I have to say that I am very impressed by all these beads! I have a box full of beads. Just love them! Even just look at them :)))
I am sorry I didn't visit sooner. A bit hectic at the moment.
Thank you for you kind words.
I like the robot!
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