Sunday, February 6, 2011


I am having so much fun clicking on all the blog through out the world on the One World One Heart blog Event. So far there are over 800 blogs to visit with each of them giving away a prize. I'm just amazed at all the beautiful sites, fantastic women and men, and the ART everyone is creating. I decided to follow many of these blogs just to see what all these creative people are going to do.

I've been doing other things beside clicking on new blogs and working. I've been busy as a little bee during my free time making new pieces of jewelry. I was off work last night & fell asleep on the couch, so Chris had me go to bed...I went to bed at 10pm! Lordie, lordie...when I was young that was the time I just started to go out & raise I'm in bed with my electric blanket on & dreaming dreams. Arwen came to bed with me (oh yes, she loves my blankie too), but I woke up at 2am. Tossed & turned until I finally went downstairs to work on a new necklace. Got it almost done, but the weather did not cooperate enough today (dark, gray, gloomy OHio) so no pictures, but honest...I do have things done ready to photograph.

I finally got over to Judy Skeel's house yesterday to return the box of dolls from the High Road Gallery show past June. I hadn't been over there for awhile & didn't realize Craig put a whole new garage on her house. Made her a promise we'd get together sometime when she's feeling better & I have time. Judy gave me lessons on needle sculpting years ago in exchange for beading lessons. Unfortunately, she's been ill & hasn't been able to do much doll making.

Today went to my brother's house so Chris could set up the television for him. I got a red velvet cake at Costco, which we let ruin our dinner but it was delicious.

I don't watch football, so no Super Bowl on at my house. I am off work tonight, so I'm planning on getting HAL the obnoxious sewing machine out and work on a couple ideas I have for AFIC...yes, I'm going to break down & sew up a couple doll forms...I think my doll making MUSE is jealous & wants to take over again.

Hope you all are having a great evening. More later.

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