It is cold & snowy in Ohio. I saw someone over on Facebook say they wish people would stop complaining about being cold in the Winter. Blah! I can complain about anything I wish...and I WILL! I think the older I get the worse the weather affects me. Use to be that it was a small ache here or there, but now my poor feet that were broken multiple times when I was young feel the change & "complain" to me especially when I'm at work. Also, since I had the sinus surgery last year, my sinuses really "complain" when the weather is bad outside. Last night at work, my nose ached so bad that I thought I was going to pass out. Oh the joys of getting old! I use to laugh at my Dad & his sisters sitting around the dinner table shooting the fat talking about aches & pains. Cheryl & I said we would never do it....HAH! Now that she has had a broken ankle, I find much of our conversations deal with aching feet!
Chris & I are addicted to Netflix. We get one movie at a time, but are we ever enjoying going out to the mailbox once or twice a week to find a new movie or an old "jewel" out there. Remember if you haven't seen a is NEW! So this week, Chris got Woodstock. I was a freshman in high school at the time living in Portsmouth whose radio station had banned the Rolling Stones and other provocative music. I missed hearing great music from when we lived in LA. So I knew it was there. At night, I would lay in my bed with my 9 volt transistor radio under my pillow listening to a statio

I also completed my piece from AFIC last May. Her head had been sitting on my work station for that long starring at me wanting to get finished. So finally, I got out the body, the legs, the arms, the tail & put the body together. Then to cloth this adorable troll. In Ute's class we us

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