Yes it has been a long time since I've signed on to add to my blog. I even forgot my password. May has been so busy with deadlines, vacations, work turmoil, beading! First off, I'm showing my finished Mask for the Beadin' Path (Maine) challenge. I almost didn't get it finished because the dog bite from April didn't heal right & it was difficult for me to finish up all the square stitch fish & seahorses. Also, I lost my Muse and actually decided not to finish the Mask. Then my friend, Cynthia talked me into completing it. Thank you, my friend. I was worried that I couldn't bead enough pieces to cover the Mask, so I started to rummage through my old unfinished project box. I found the fringed necklace & thought it looked like a net so incorporated it into the right side of the Mask.
Then it was time for Cynthia to arrive here in Columbus. We were going on her 50th birthday trip. We were to leave for NYC & staying with Mary (Celticat) for Mother's Day weekend. It was fun & I had a great time shopping. Didn't see many sites, but then that just gives me an excuse to go back & buy more beads, fabric, and trims. I did take the Mask with me & was working on it in Mary's studio while Cyn worked on flowers for her Mask & Mary was making The Sisters dolls for the three of us to bead on in the future. It was great to just sit & bead. My thumb still gave me trouble, but I think working with it was actually better than physical therapy.
Our next trip was up to Akron to visit our good friend Sharon. What a great time. We stayed up one night until 3 am beading & then was woken up at 8am. Did we go back to bed? NO! We got up, beaded until Noon & then went out shopping! Found a great place in Barberton with cheap fabric & trims. Oh yes, I bought more. My friend Pam met us & I think she bought a bit too. LOL! We all did! Then shoe shopping at Lucky Shoes in Akron. Cyn talked me into buying this comfortable pair of shoes. I'm a cheapskate when it comes to shoes, so it was a big "step" for me to pay for them, but MAN they are so comfortable. I think I'm going to have to change my ideas on shoes. Sharon also took us to this chicken place that was fabo & we had a peanut buster parfait at Dairy Queen for dessert. Wonderful day.
Finally we made it to Aurora Inn & the beginning of three days of Think Pink-It's a Girl Thing doll making conference. It was great! We got to take classes with Patti Culea, Karen Shifton, epb, and Barbara Willis. ALL FOUR! It was great, and it was two first for Cyn. She did her first needle sculpting and face painting. I wonder if I got her hooked on doll making. The DollGatherers were a fun group, and made us all feel really welcome. And boy did they go all out on the show. I'll have pictures later next week (promise) of some of that show. And yes, I did bead on the Mask while we were there between classes.
Finally I finished it two days before it was to be sent out. It is called Poseidon's Eyes. I made the fiber covering the painted mask & then bead applique all the fish, creatures, and fish on it. It also has 2 strands of pearls. I'm happy that I did finish it up.
Hey, Dot:
Mask is great. Did you forget about me when you were in Aurora? It sounds like you were to busy to visit. lol I forgive you.
Congrats Dot,
Not only on finishing your mask - nice work - but selling your dolls! It is such a great ego booster when something you make sells.
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
Dot, this mask is outstanding!
The mask is gorgeous! Congratulations on all those sales, too . . .
Kathy V in NM
Absolutely stunning Dot... wonderful colors, I love it!
Hey I recognize that mask...didn't it travel everywhere with us? So glad you worked through it and finsihed the mask in time for the challenge! ready to make more fish?(ducking and running!!!)
Hello Dot,
Congratulations on the absolutely stunning mask! I have the same mask and haven't even started to work on it. It's a full size human mask and quite an undertaking project to do. I am hoping to get to it as soon as I can. If you don't mind my asking, what did you use to bead on it? I was thinking of using Ultrasuede but then I thought... How will I be able to truly get the Ultrasuede to form the exact shape of the mask? What did you do? The beading you did is just absolutely divine! How long did it take you to do? This is not something I could do every day. It's truly a monumental project. I would need breaks in between. It appears you did that as well. I would love to learn more about your experiences with this and especially what you used to bead it... That has been my major obstacle that has been holding me back. I'm great at giving ideas, but horrible at creative ideas for myself. Go figure?! Pffftttt!!! Oh well! Again, huge congratulations is without question one where everyone would give you a standing ovation for! I hope you have this piece showcased. Insure it before you showcase it... I've read a few articles of bead artist having their art work stolen. I cannot imagine that ever happening to you or anyone else. I will be watching more of your fabulous work!
Yours in beaded circle of friends,
Snowrose ~ Heidi
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