This was a hard one for me to do. I wanted to portray Winter in Ohio. And boy did we ever have snow and cold temperatures. I wanted to stay away from a bright cheery Christmas scene, as Christmas is so hard for me to adapt to. I want to have fun and be merry, and enjoy the holidays, but..........
Yes, the BIG BUT! Commercialism is what kills Christmas for me. I use the be the girl that was out bright and early on Black Friday, sending out over 200 Christmas cards, planning a big family get together. I was a true Christmas elf. Then about 3 years ago, something just snapped inside of me. I paid my Mother to wrap presents, I didn't put a Christmas tree, and I only managed to send out 20 cards. All the greed in the world, just poisoned Christmas for me. Then the family bickering. It just wasn't fun anymore.
This year, I decided to change Christmas. I had a Christmas party here for my Guilded Lilies, I went out & bought 10 coats for people in a group home here in Columbus, and I even volunteered to pick up my Grandmother who was 93 at the time & take her to visit her sister. I felt a little better, but not like the old days. I think most of it also comes with the fact that I miss my Father so much. He was the bright star on Christmas Day.
Growing up in LA, I never saw snow. When my parents moved back to Ohio, they always talked about snow. Never saw much of it either the first 5 years. Then one night right before Christmas, the snow started to fall. My Dad was like a child running out in the snow showing us how to make Snow Angels. He then scooped up a big bowl of snow & made up snow cream. So this leaf is for the Christmases that my Daddy made special for me.