I can't believe here it is the second half of October. What has happen...did someone wind up the clock too fast & everything is double time? I've lost track of weeks & weeks. Someone find them & send them back to me. I do have an announcement. I have a winner for the Pocket Monster give away. Congrats to Rachel Crisman of Dalai Mama. Now how did I pick her you wonder. Did I write numbers and pick one out of a hat? Did I use some sophisticated number picker? Nope...we were at Costco getting gas when I asked Chris to pick a number from one to twenty-one. Instantly he said 17. Within minutes the gas pump also clicked out $17 dollar of gas. So it was meant to be. Rachel wants a red one with pointy ears....I'm going to have to jump into that basket & wade my way through the monsters to find that one. They have been whispering amongst themselves as they heard that Cutie Potato is coming to visit real soon & are planning something. You know how those monsters are.
I was down for a week with stinking Vertigo again! Two weekends ago, Barbara came to teach our club Boudica. She stayed with me. I let her sleep in my bedroom when I "camped" out in the some day to be guest room. I must have slept wrong or blew my nose wrong or ate something wrong or just was wrong as I woke up two Saturday with that awful feeling in my head. Thank goodness I had drugs and it was a pretty mild case...until Monday when it go BAD! I felt like I had a tight cap around my head & the world was spinning. I had to call off sick & take some Phenergen. Chris said he thought I was dead as I slept for 16 straight hours. It lingered until yesterday but everyone at work enjoyed my staggering around...but hey! I did work!
I have been missing my Muse recently. I think after I finished Mother's Love, I've been in a limbo wondering what big project will come my way. I've been sewing a lot (ie, the Pocket Monsters and some pin cushions which are too horrible to picture) but I needed a big project to make my Muse wake up. Then Artbeads.com came up with a new challenge. Here is the write up about the new challenge:

"Artbeads is proud to announce our first ever ‘What Inspires You?’ jewelry contest! The theme of Artbeads.com’s first beading contest is to let beading artists share their inspiration with others. There are two categories, necklaces and other beaded designs for this contest. Voting will be open to the public to determine the top 3 winners in each category. A picture of the inspiration and design will allow the voters to see how each entry is represented.
The Grand Prize Winner in the Necklace and Beading contests will each receive a $500 Artbeads.com Gift Certificate, the 2nd Place winners will each receive a $250 Artbeads.com Gift Certificate and the 3rd Place winners will each receive a $100 Artbeads.com Gift Certificate.
This is a fun event to share with your blog readers, family, friends and fellow beaders. This is a contest of originality, design, and vision. All entries MUST be an original design. At least 50% of the beads and components in a submitted entry must be purchased from Artbeads.com. Participants must upload one picture of their design and one of picture of their inspiration, such as you see below in the banners. This contest is open to beaders worldwide, aged 18 and older.
I have provided two images and the HTML code below that you may use in your blog if you like. One is for the Necklace Beading Contest and the other for the general Beaded Contest entries."
SOoooooo...instantly I decided I needed to do this. At the same time Duchess sent me an e-mail asking if I'd like to blog for beads again...duh! So I sent her a list and got these...oooooo
I began to bead, and bead and bead. Everything just started to click. I do have more pictures to share later, but I have to retake them because they are all fuzzy and even though I'm over most of my Vertigo, I can't look at fuzzy pictures or cars racing around on television. So here's a beginning. I've worked three days so far. I'm hoping to finish this by next week.

I had to eventually make myself stop beading & come upstairs to enter the "real" world. There waiting for me was Fiona. Here are a couple pictures of my miracle girl. She is doing so well with her new diet and insulin injections. I was so close to losing my girl, but with Dr. Miller and the techs at Worthingon Woods Vet Hospital, Fiona is happy & gaining her weight back. She'll be blind with those cataracts, but she's alive & letting me love her one more day.

I'll have more later. I have lots to share, but need to check on that Pork roast I smell cooking.
Disclosure...As a reviewer of products at Artbeads.com, I receive the cab/seed beads/fire polish above free of charge. I have been asked to review these products and give my honest opinion of the products...positive or negative. I am not being compensated by Artbeads.com for my endorsement as it pertains to the products received and reviewed.