This is my submission for the Global Warming Doll Challenge for my Beaded Art Doll Group (BAD) . It is called "Mother Nature Gives Warning". My very first idea when Robin proposed this challenge was a book that I read many many years ago. Matter of Fact, this book was published 42 years ago when I was in grade school. It was Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. I was young and didn't understand much of what the teachers were telling us about ecology, or threats to our planet, but I do remember our planting a flower/vegetable garden out behind our school in La Puente California. Back in 1962, we rarely saw the stars in the night sky, and I think I was probably 10 years old before I remember seeing my first stars on a vacation in Arizona. I had to ask my Dad what they were. I remember reading Silent Spring in high school for a Freshman science project, but I really didn't understand too much of that. My life became busy with school, study, and trying to make a living. I did go to a nature preserve in Maine 8 years ago, and learned more about Rachel Carson. Rachel Carson was an advocate for the world we now live in. Silent Spring rang out to the world the horrors of pollution raining down on our Earth. She took information from scientist around the world about the damage of chemical herbicide and pesticide to animal, plant,fish,bird, soil, and to our own selves. In layman's terms, she explained what was being done to the Earth in the name of pest control, and what was happening to our world. In the first chapter of her book, she talks about a world where there was no "voices" from the insects, aquatic creatures,birds, or the animals. To her, if the world kept on with the progress it was satisfied with, the world would be Silent as there would be no birds, no animals, no fish, no insects, or possibly no mankind. She woke up the World and especially this nation. Because of her warning, we now have the Environmental Protection Agency formed in 1970. People conserve. Creatures and plants on the brink of extinction in 1962, now thrive. People are aware. I like to think that my doll Mother Nature could be Rachel Carson giving warning to our Generation just as Rachel herself did in 1962. On a sad note, Rachel Carson died 18 months after the publication of Silent Spring due to complications from breast cancer. I dedicate this doll to her memory. Rachel Carson-A True Earthen Mother.