Boy, I'm a horrible blogger. Here I haven't written a thing since I got back from vacation. It was fun. Made it all the way out to Wyoming's Devil's Tower. Awesome place! Anyway, since this is about Beading for a Cure, I thought I'd share a couple things. First off, Beading for a Cure is a wonderful group of women who do this all for the love of a long departed friend who died from Colo-Rectal Cancer. They all decided to get together to raise money for cancer research in her name. Being beaders, they decided that what better way to honor their friend's memory, than to have a challenge & auction. This is my second year with the group. I never knew Laney, but I do know people who battle colon cancer and was ready to stand up & add my name onto the list. We pay & receive a kit of beads. We have to use at least one of each bead to the project & am allowed to add one extra type of bead of our own choice. I decided to do a doll, but needed more to cover the larger area than size 11s so I asked permission from the BFAC board & was allowed to also use sequins.
Now back to my vacation & BFAC. I can't go anywhere without taking a beading project. Yes, even when camping. So there we were in the camp grounds at Devil's Tower. It was hot & there was no shade, so we decided to go to a very nice park at the base of the Monument which is near where the largest population of prairie dogs live. I was sitting at a park table with all my beads surrounding me working on Spam Guard's body. Several women came over to see what I was doing. I tried to explain the concept to them, but all I heard was..."those colors don't match". Yeah really...I already knew that. So I told them to wait & I'd show them what he'd look like with his head attached. Still got the comment "still doesn't match". So I was very disenchanted with this doll. I put him aside, for the rest of the trip & worked on my MoonMan instead which the same women the next day exclaimed he was "just gorgeous". Poor Spam Guard! I did finish him & with each pull of the thread as I attached his helmet, I began to like him more & more. I brought him home almost finished & he sat on the top of my eMac doing the duty that I gave to him (he's not too good at it, but I still like him). Every day I'd look up & see my wee warrior smiling down on me & began to like him more & more. Finally the day came where I had to send him off to AJ. He's gone. I miss him. So what am I doing to get over my grief...I'm making another Spam Guard just for me & oh yes, this new one does have colors that match.